Are you aware of your own faults?

As I was returning from my morning walk, I saw a group of people having a heated discussion (argument) near the entrance of our society, about how to treat a (fellow) from our society, who earned a bail for himself today, in a case with the charge of a murder on him. I became curious... Continue Reading →

Who would you choose : the good or the evil , to Survive! 

We have always heard a story that Lucifer rebelled against the God and lost in the war of good and evil, and to punish him, God sent all the rebellious angels to hell. Even if it's debatable about who was right and who was wrong, as God created Lucifer like that and that was why... Continue Reading →

No one is a born REBEL!

Have you ever seen a child so stubborn that he never listens to anyone? If we tell him to do something this way, he just ends up doing the exact opposite. If you tell him he is wrong, you just end up being a "not-my-friend" person in his eyes and face a sharp rebel. He... Continue Reading →

Death is not an apology!

It was a regular day in my life when someone suddenly broke the news to me that my best friend has committed suicide last night with a note saying "I am sorry". The trouble with death is that no one knows what to say or how to react. Endless emotions surged into my mind with... Continue Reading →

How to make everyone happy?

Q. How would you make everyone happy? A. How do you think one could make a set of unknown people happy, who happens to be clones of each other, identical in all terms? One thing that could be done is picking up a clone and chopping off one of its arms, the remaining will then... Continue Reading →

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